
How to check your life balance

We all know how to check our bank balance, but do you know how to check your Life Balance? This is a simple exercise. ...

World Religions: Side by side comparison

How do you compare a world religion to other religions? We asked the people who believe why their faith is true as opposed to...

The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer

Do you want to be part of something big? In the Heart of England, a fantastic living monument is taking place. The huge piece of...

Tyson Fury: A Champion in 3 ways

Listen to a world champion talk about his inner battles and still win.

100 Reasons to be Happy

A great short video with Jordan Peterson explaining why life isn’t the pursuit of pleasure but rather pursuing the person you could be ... Video...

Priceless or Worthless?

Quick question: What’s the difference between ignorance and indifference? Answer: I don't know and I don't care If you don't know about something -...

How to actually read the Bible

The Bible is the world’s best-selling book. But do you know how to actually read it? For people who've not read the bible before you...

Reasons that hold you back

Many people get stuck in a single mindset. It can hold them back for years. Is there a way to be set free?

Getting off at the wrong station

Have you ever got lost in life? Forget the 'wrong turn' but rather the wrong destination with no easy way to get back? One night...

The businessman and the beggar

We all get addicted to something - whether we know it or not. Hard work brings reward but it shouldn't be at the expense of others.

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